Selasa, September 05, 2006


usagi = rabbit
Been so long since I last seen or read Bleach xP Too lazy to get the torrents and stuff. But I'm still an avid fan!! Ahaha... well in a lazy sort of way xP Not going to say much about Bleach in here since all the info and stuff can be found in the links I've provided on the left ^_^ But I'd really like to ramble on some funny skits in Bleach.

One of course was on Rukia. She's always trying to explain things graphically using an usagi to represent the good side and a bear to represent the opposite xD There was in one time during the early eppies in the Bounto arc where Rukia and co gathered at Urahara Shoten tu discuss the bounto's whereabouts. Urahara was like explaining what the bounto's were and what they were doing recently was going to affect the balance of nature.

Rukia had taken out her notebook and her faithful pen and Ichigo had lashed out a "You don't have to draw that out!!" ... xD But she did anyway. Even Urahara had a tiny sweatdrop xDDDD She had started to do so even in their first encounter where Rukia was explaining what hollows were to Ichigo ^_^ Ichigo received a 'small painful gift' for commenting on her weird sketches in that eppy xD

Then the Kon-troduced eppy [my way of saying the eppy where Kon was first featured in Bleach xP] where Rukia bought a soul candy from Urahara. She was like totally flabberghasted that the usagi-type ones were sold out and she had the duck-headed one xD Various candy-heads can be seen in the manga besides the usagi and the duck. Not too mention the one where Ichigo and co were reunited with Rukia after the Soul Society arc ended [well at least until Aizen shows up again]. She was like totally over Cloud, a kaizho konpaku like Kon with the ability to transform. At that time, he was in an Usagi-sling-bag form and was Orihime's 'supporter' in tracking down the bountos.

Overall, Rukia's addiction to bunnies is pretty much amusing ^_^ Kinda adds flavour to her character. I bet she also stalks the easter bunny... lolz... xD

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