[Korotaros] Selama Koro beraya, Koro dah seminggu tak sentuh internet xD So bila dapat jek peluang, Koro bukak salah satu hangout yang Koro biasa pergi selain Gaia hohoho… Kat mana tu? Super Poke Pets la! (^O^) Koro ada dua pet nak kena take care of. Sekor kekura bernama Korotaros dan sekor panda bernama Pandataros. Memasing dah mula nak kaya sebab spp coins memasing dah cecah 20k ++. Hasil penat lelah klik sana klik sini hohoho…
Tapi sebaik saje Koro bukak site tuh, Koro cam terkena hempap batuan besar di paler. Super Poke Pets bakal kena shut down?! Angkara sape?! Kenapa? Mengapa? Duishite? Naze? Waaaaaaiiiii???!!! Setelah menjejak forum berkaitan, baru la dapat tau main culprit dia sape. Pakcik gugel upenyer huhuhu… Pakcik gugel dikatakan takmo sebarang kewujudan produk Slide.com selain Prizes.org. Ini termasukla memadamkan SPP terus daripada dunia maya ecehceh xD
Dan reaksi SPP players? Dah tentu mengamuk sakan xD Sudah tentunya yang terlebey suda tuh daripada players yang invest real money dalam pembelian items dan habitats kaw-kaw. Kalau sebulan diaorang invest USD20, bayangkan la jumlah tuh dalam 3 tahun. Itu baru yang invest USD20 sebulan. Kalau lebey? Uhuhuhu… sib baik Koro bukan serious player. Masih boleh survive hias habitat dengan spp coins jek tanpa penggunaan duit sebenar.
Ada yang threat nak wat law suit lagik. Yelaaa… nak stop mende yang melibatkan game kesukaan orang ramai. Especially bila orang-orang tuh dah banyak guna duit sebenar untuk beli virtual items camtuh. Ramai SPP players beri feedback negatif atas tindakan pakcik gugel tuh. Banyak gak protes pages dibuka kat fesbuk.
Antara reaksi yang boleh dibaca adalah seperti di bawah:
Pakcik gugel nyer projek terbaru: Google+ (gugelplas…ter. Hehehehe xD)
Kiranyer patut ble jek selit SPP kat area games tuh. Kan? Kan? Kan?
(Wat masa nih gugelplas masih dalam mode closed beta so hanya invited users jek ble test the app out, bebeh!)
Dan last but not least, reaksi daripada goplay.com yang skang nih dilihat sebagai wira kepada kebanyakan SPP players. Check it out, bebeh!
by GoPlay.com - Social Games for Social Gamers on Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 8:37pm
To all our new Super Poke Pets fans: Thank you all so much for your continued words of support as we attempt to rescue one of the greatest games on the Internet. What we are attempting is no easy task. Some say it’s crazy. Foolhardy. A waste of time. We say “Pshaw!”
Google might be a “Goliath” but we’re a “David” -- a motivated David! And now that David is armed with Facebook – he doesn’t need any rocks. His voice, our combined voices will slay that giant!
Your comments over the past 24 hours have given us the encouragement to pursue this valiant undertaking. We’ve heard some amazing stories – ones that would warm your heart: how Super Poke has helped families stay connected with loved ones in the armed forces and how it’s enabled those confined to wheelchairs to momentarily escape their disabilities. Countless numbers of friendship bonds have been created – some that span the globe. All this good will generated because of some “silly little computer game.” Well, we’ve learned that it’ not a silly little game – its so much more than that. It’s a community; a community where anyone can forget about their troubles and just have fun – and boy do we ever need that today.
We (a little Internet start up) find it absolutely amazing being in the middle of this. It’s also scary too because what will happen if we’re not successful and Google does what it’s threatening to do – shut down SPP. Will all of you hate us? Unfriend us? Tell people not to sign up for Goplay? We hope not, gosh we hope not. Just so you understand, we’re a new site, we have no users – zero. So at this point we have really nothing to lose and everything to gain. And if we should fail -- at least you’ll know we tried -- and that’s good enough for us.
So back to Google. Do they have to do anything? No. Will having SPP make a difference to their bottom-line. No. Now does killing off SPP make a difference to you all? Yes. Is saving it the right thing to do? Youbetcha! That said this is still like trying to get the Dodgers to return to Brooklyn. However remember back in 1985 when Coke changed their formula:
It drew such an outcry from the public that the largest beverage maker in the world – that’s right the largest beverage maker in the entire world, admitted they were wrong (hear that Mr. Googley Pants!) and changed (a cost of millions of dollars) back to Classic Coke. Coke admitted they made a mistake and they corrected it – and it ended up endearing customers to them. The lesson here: DON’T MESS WITH A CLASSIC!
SuperPoke Pets is a classic and it’s been one since April of 2008. 2008, that’s one of the longest running games on the Internet! Why kill it off when there are still millions of active users??? You don’t see Zynga shutting down Farmville because CityVille surpassed it – no; they have enough sense to keep it running.
So what are Google’s options at this point? 1) Pull the plug on SPP and leave a bunch of disgruntled users who will swear off Google products for their rest of their lives (Bing, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft – opportunity here…); 2) Admit they were wrong and keep SuperPoke Pets running or 3) Give or sell it to another company (us) to run.
We’d be most excited to have SPP as part of our new site, however it would also be gratifying to know we had a role encouraging Google to simply keep SPP running.
What can you do? Keep your posts coming. Follow us on Twitter: @goplay. Sign up for www.goplay.com. (Why sign up Goplay? Because it’ll send a message to Google that there’s enough interested users out there to warrant transferring ownership to us). And finally PLAY THE GAME! Play it like you’ve never played before! Get new users to sign up for the game – if they see the traffic increase they’ll have no choice but to keep it running. And finally buy stuff. Yes buy stuff. The more you buy the more guilty Google will feel about taking the site offline. Guilt works.
So, there you have it. We both know what we need to do – let’s go make it happen!
With kindest regards,
The team at Goplay.
Pape hal yang berlaku, Koro tak kisah kalau nak kena ucap sayonara kat SPP. Koro dah penah lalui situasi kecewa camnih bila game Shadelight gulung tikar dulu uhuhuhu… Tapi Koro harap masih ada sinar harapan untuk SPP kekal xD Game tuh Koro main sejak 2k9 masa apps tuh masih di fesbuk sehingga lah jadi stand alone. Hampir 2 tahun dah main ohohoho… Masa April 2k8 apps tuh start dilancarkan, Koro wat dunno jek sebab masih setia main (fluff)Friends kat fesbuk dulu hehehe… skang dah lama tak main apps tuh so tak tau kekura Koro si Sakito tuh camne hidup dia skang ahahaha… *sweatdrop* Eh… baru sedar pet Koro asek menatang kekura jek hahaha xD
Anywayz, untuk mereka yang setia berjuang untuk SPP, teruskan usaha korang! Koro support dari belakang ohohoho…